Saturday, April 16, 2016

What is Songkarn festival in Thailand?

This week in Thailand is Songkarn feastival or water flight festival. Songkarn is a popular festival which attracts many travelers from over the world to join this fun festival. People may splash the water to each other. However, do you know why it is important for Thai people? If you never know, let's learn together...

The word "Songkran" comes from Sanskrit which means that stepping up the grill or on the move, moving. In the other words means into a new era for Aries or New Year's Day. The Songkran festival is an old tradition of Thailand inherited from the ancient tradition with Chinese New Year. It is collectively "Songkran New Year Festival," which refers to the traditional New Year's Eve and welcome to New Year. 

The Songkran holidays are divided into three days.

           - On April 13, called Maha Songkran Day and it is a National Elder Day
           - On April 14 called Wan Nao or Wan Da and it is family day
           - On April 15 the New Year Day

         The first day of the festival is of 13th April is Maha Songkarn and National Elder Day. Thailand has an important tradition of paying respect to the elder call, “Rod Nam Dam Hau”. In this traditional, the young pour scented water over their elder’s hands, they in return, wish them good health, happiness and prosperity. 

Rod Nam Dam Hau

         14 April is a family day or Wan Nhao day. Wan Nhao is the day when is not permitted to speak, talk, or say anything bad. People do not supposed to make any quarrel or talk rudely on this day. Otherwise they will face a bad luck for their whole new year. Also, today is " Wan Da" or " Da Day" or preparation day is the day people cook a kind of food and desserts, as well as prepare necessary things to bring to a temple in order to make a good merit. Later in the afternoon, people will go to the temple to participate in activity called, " Song Nam Phra ( sprinkle scented water onto a Buddha image and Monk)" and " Kon Sai Kao Wat". Kon Sai Kao Wat is tradition that people carry sand to pile it up in a field of the temple, meaning they return each grain of sand back to the temple from each time they visit the temple. It is a way to maintain a temple and call for an action for people participation. 

Song Nam Phra ( Phra in this image mean the Buddha image)

Song Nam Phra ( Phra in this picture mean Monk)

Kon Sai Kao Wat

          The Last day of Sangkarn is April 15th is the beginning of New Year in Thailand. Almost people enjoin party and splash water to other people. 

           Songkarn festival is change a lot at the present, but it is an important for Thai people. Also, it is happy time for everyone. 


  1. This looks like a very festive time -- is there a serious side to it too?
