Saturday, April 30, 2016

Charming of countryside in Thailand, part2

          Last week, I had talked about why the countryside attracts a lot of people, so this week I will write about some details of their routine daily activity them. Some activities might have been seen in some areas in countryside, but they are the charming of lifestyle of countryside which you can not found in the big city.
         In every morning, people in countryside will prepare the food for dedicating the monk. It is normal activity which make them feel happy before starting working. The monk will work around the village in early morning. When people dedicate the food to the monk, the monk will bless in return. 

             Then, it time to start working. The young people go to their farm. The elder might stay home and make some basketwork. Some people make them for sale, but some people make them for their home. 

Hand make basketwork from elder people
             In the evening, some people start finding some food for their dinner.

Catching fish at the river
              Moreover, many boutique resorts and hotels in Thailand are built by using the concept " slow life by living in countryside" which attract many people to spending their vacation in rural or countryside of Thailand.

Boutique resort in eastern part of Thailand


  1. Do people eat differently in the country than in the city? How does Buddhism affect diet?

  2. What is the culture in country side compared to city life? Is there anything the people have to worried about? It all seems very peaceful and wonderful (:
