Saturday, April 23, 2016

Charming of countryside in Thailand

       Nowadays, when the foreigner hear the word, " Thailand" , most of them think about delicious food, night life in Bangkok and beautiful beaches. What about Thai people thinking? Right now, there are some Thai people think about going back to live in countryside. They would like to escape the busy life in big city to the countryside. They would like to spend their entire life with their family or neighbors which always have sincerity to help each other. Why the countryside attach some people to live? If you still curious, let me show you some folkways of countryside. 
        Thailand is an agriculture country. The main agriculture in Thailand is rice, and rice is grown in the countryside of Thailand. Most of people in countryside is farmers. And most of them are not rich, but they always have the truth smile and happy. The picture as below might show you how happy they are, and you might understand why some people be a part of these people. 

"Not only swimming pool that we can swim"

"Learning does not have only in the classroom"

True smile and true happiness

The way of farmer
Happy by playing Kite 
Sometime toys never make you happy like you have only dry wood

These are some pictures of the ways in countryside which is attracted some actors and younger people in Thailand move their life back to stay in countryside for happiness. What about you? how do you feel when see these picture. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Are other crops grown in the countryside? What about natural food sources, herbs, spices, etc.? I want to go there! :-)
