Thursday, May 19, 2016

9 Auspicious Thai desserts

Hello Bloggers!!!
My last blog showed about kinds of dessert that Thai people usually eat in summer. Today, I would like to show you about Thai ancient dessert that involved or connect with tradition and ceremonies. Dessert is a part of Thai culture. However, there are nine auspicious Thai dessert that usually make for an important occupation and ceremonies such as wedding, ordination and housewarming

1. Thong Yib
    Thong Yib is popularly made on propitious occasion since its name begins with, "Thong" which means "gold", and "Yib" means "to pick" Thong Yip was introduced by Japanese-Protuguessb " Maria Guyomar de Pinha"  who work in the palace at ancient Siam time. Thai people believe that gold is symbolized of wealth and fame, which will bring good luck to them. This dessert is popular to used for housewarming or start new business, which means that they will success in their business like "Thong or gold"

Thong Yib

2. Thong Yod or Golden Tear Drop
     This dessert always serve in a traditional Thai wedding. Know in Thailand for a hundred years, and the history of Thong Yod date back to when Dutch explores who arrived in ancient Siam and taught local people how to make dessert from egg York. The meaning of "Thong Yod" is similar "Thong Yib" which is "gold" and "Yod" means "drop". Thai people believe that Thong yod will bring wealth. People who eat it will have money or gold forever like a gold drop, which is very meaningful for new couple.

Thong Yod
3. Foi Thong
    Foi Thong was originally introduced to Thai people by the Portuguese Republic. The meaning is similar of "Thong" dessert which mean gold and success. "Foi" mean "line" This dessert is very popular in theThai wedding ceremonies. Thai people believe that if you can make " Foi Thong" as long as you can in wedding day, which mean that your love or your couple  is going to be longer and longer.

4. Kanom Chun or Layer sweet cake
    Kanom Chan is one of ancient Thai desserts, which Thai people always made for auspicious ceremonies. " Kanom" means desert, and "Chan" means Layers. It is usually make nine layer because Thai people believe that number nine is auspicious number, which people who receive this dessert will be success in everything. This dessert is popular in new position ceremonies.

You will enjoy more auspicious Thai dessert in my next blog.

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