Thursday, May 26, 2016

9 Auspicious Thai desserts part2

9 Auspicious Tradition Thai Dessert
 Last blog, I wrote about 4 of 9 auspicious Thai desserts in an important occupation and ceremonies. Here is another 9 auspicious tradition desserts.

5. Thong Eak
     Thong Eak is a family of pastry "Thong" that requires the most meticulous in every step of making a graceful striking. Thong Eak is adapted from Portuguese sweet dessert since ancient Siam time. Thong Eak is the most beautiful and striking than other auspicious dessert.Thong Eak always has gold leaf on top of the dessert. The word of "Eak" means "To be number one"or "unique", so Thong Eak always uses as gifts in cerebration promoted which means a blessing to be number one.

Thong Eak
6. Med Khanoon. 
    Med Khanoon is one of the family of "Thong" dessert which has yellow color. Med Khanoon is made from egg yolk and fill in with mashed of yellow beans or red beans. This is my favorite auspicious dessert. The name of Med Khanoon means your life will be always have supporting. You will always have people to supporting your life, your job, and your business because the word "noon" means supporting.

Med Khanoon

7. Kanom Jamongkut
    Kanom jamongkut is the most difficult dessert to making because there are many complicated in each step of baking. This dessert is made in only an important ceremonies. The name of "Jamomgkut" means " supreme leader" or " highest leader". This dessert is used as a gift in honor lofty rank promote cerebration, or as a blessing for successful in the highest position.
Kanom Jamongkut
8. Kanom Tuay fu
    The meaning of Kanom Tuay fu is flame, prosperity, and glory. Thai people always use Kanon Tuay fu as a gift for cerebrating new business or new position as a blessing for their business is going well and success. This dessert has sweet smell because we made the fragrant from fresh flower.

Kanom Tuay fu

 9. Kanom Sanae Chan 
      Chan is the name of Trees which has yellow glow with beautiful and fragrant mesmerizing charm. Thai ancient people use Chan fruit make the dessert because it make the dessert has sweet smell. Then the call " Kanom Sanae Chan" which Sanae means Charming. This dessert is popular in wedding ceremonies because Thai people believe that if you give the new couple of Sanae Chan as a gift mean that you are blessing their love always romantic.

Kanom Sanae Chan

    These are all the name and pictures of ancient auspicious Thai desserts. Some dessert can find in many places of Thailand, but some dessert can find only an important occupation. However, if you have a chance to go to Thailand, I would recommend you try these dessert. They are amazing.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

9 Auspicious Thai desserts

Hello Bloggers!!!
My last blog showed about kinds of dessert that Thai people usually eat in summer. Today, I would like to show you about Thai ancient dessert that involved or connect with tradition and ceremonies. Dessert is a part of Thai culture. However, there are nine auspicious Thai dessert that usually make for an important occupation and ceremonies such as wedding, ordination and housewarming

1. Thong Yib
    Thong Yib is popularly made on propitious occasion since its name begins with, "Thong" which means "gold", and "Yib" means "to pick" Thong Yip was introduced by Japanese-Protuguessb " Maria Guyomar de Pinha"  who work in the palace at ancient Siam time. Thai people believe that gold is symbolized of wealth and fame, which will bring good luck to them. This dessert is popular to used for housewarming or start new business, which means that they will success in their business like "Thong or gold"

Thong Yib

2. Thong Yod or Golden Tear Drop
     This dessert always serve in a traditional Thai wedding. Know in Thailand for a hundred years, and the history of Thong Yod date back to when Dutch explores who arrived in ancient Siam and taught local people how to make dessert from egg York. The meaning of "Thong Yod" is similar "Thong Yib" which is "gold" and "Yod" means "drop". Thai people believe that Thong yod will bring wealth. People who eat it will have money or gold forever like a gold drop, which is very meaningful for new couple.

Thong Yod
3. Foi Thong
    Foi Thong was originally introduced to Thai people by the Portuguese Republic. The meaning is similar of "Thong" dessert which mean gold and success. "Foi" mean "line" This dessert is very popular in theThai wedding ceremonies. Thai people believe that if you can make " Foi Thong" as long as you can in wedding day, which mean that your love or your couple  is going to be longer and longer.

4. Kanom Chun or Layer sweet cake
    Kanom Chan is one of ancient Thai desserts, which Thai people always made for auspicious ceremonies. " Kanom" means desert, and "Chan" means Layers. It is usually make nine layer because Thai people believe that number nine is auspicious number, which people who receive this dessert will be success in everything. This dessert is popular in new position ceremonies.

You will enjoy more auspicious Thai dessert in my next blog.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Thai Dessert!!!!

      Summer is coming!!! What's kind of dessert do you want to eat? Ice cream? Ice tea? what's else? How about Thai people? What do we have dessert in summer? Let's me introduce you to Thai dessert. Thailand has many kinds of desserts, but what is the most popular dessert that we eat in summer. Here are some dessert that we have to eat after meal in summer!!!

     1. Mango sticky rice
      Some of you might ever try "Mango sticky rice" at Thai restaurant. Some people might be curious or question " Rice with mango?", but Thai people can make rice to be dessert, and it is delicious. In Thailand, summer is a mango seasonal, so almost every family always make mango sticky rice dessert. Then, when you go to Thailand in summer, you will see mango sticky rice in everywhere. Thailand's mango is different from here. Mango there is sweet and sweet smell, so the test is better.

2. Cantaloupe with tapioca in coconut milk or Sago Cantaloupe ( Thai name)
    Sago Cantaloupe is my favorite dessert. With icing or fresh cantaloupe with tapioca and sweet coconut milk and then on top with ice again. It's very yummy. You can make it because it is easy to cook. Then put it in fridge and eat it when ever you want.

3. Shaved ice or Snow Ice or Nam Kaeng Sai
   This is a popular dessert in summer, but it is very helpful if you want something sweet and release hot!!! I recommend put fresh fruits on top and ground red bean in the bottom, it will make more testy.

4. Cendol or glass jelly
    This is very popular dessert which Thai people eat after dinner. Eating dessert after meal is a tradition of Thai people. There are many dessert restaurant in every where in Thailand.  These are some pictures of some Cendol or glass jelly in Thailand. Also, The Cendol always serves with sweet coconut milk. Moreover, these dessert always on top with ice or ice cream.

  These are only some of desserts in Thailand which you can find it easier in every part of Thailand. Also, there is a fusion dessert between Thai and international that I really like, and it easy to find it in Thailand: Milk Custard with Fruit salad. It is very delicious and healthy.

However, there are many kinds of Thai desserts that you can eat in every season. Next week I will introduce you to traditional or ancient Thai dessert.